Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Discovery Page

Discovery Page
I did not know that there were different groups of robots, before this project. I had no idea that there were four types of robots.  Since this project I now know all four types of robots: modular, educational toy, sports, and the humanoid robots. I also know the differences between these robots. A difference between the modular and humanoid is that the modular can be made by combining standard building blocks. The humanoid is a robot made to resemble the human body.  Other differences between the robot types are there jobs and functions. I at first did not know that robots were designed to accomplish the tasks of man. I thought that they were designed to assist and make our tasks easier, but that is not the case.  Robots not only can perform our jobs and help us with them, but they can do some jobs more efficiently than us. They also save money and take away some of the jobs.

            I also had no idea that there were robot conventions as big as they are. There are conventions in Japan and all over the world. Japan has hosted conventions so big that they have celebrities attend, such as Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber helped unveil and display the new dancing TOSY robot. It was unveiled in Japan at a convention.  This robot is a dancing robot that you can download songs onto, the robot will dance to the beats of the songs. Japan has also hosted conventions for the TOSY ping pong playing robot. In the year 2006 Japan unveiled its first museum completely dedicated to robots. Nagoya is the city home to this museum. It was chosen because it hosted one of the most exclusive robot conventions ever held in the world. This convention was held in 2005. The museum is home to exactly 300 robots, many of the robots interact with the visitors by nodding and moving their hands and head.

            Another thing that I didn’t know about robots was the effect that they had on jobs.  Robots can work in some ways quicker and more efficiently, but in other ways they cannot.  Robots are more efficient in ways that they don’t require a payment to work and that they don’t have to take lunch breaks. In other ways robots are not efficient because they are programed to do one specific task, so if you want to make a small change to the product, then you have to go back and reprogram the robot. The more robots that are produced the more people that are out of jobs. It has been talked about that robots will soon take over some grocery store jobs and they will also be on the docks.  Robots have already taken over the car manufacturing industry and are continuing to increase in that market.

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